Tallship (Level 2) Operation Make Sail female training is confirmed for 16-17 Sept 2023!
Female Cadets are participating in nautical training aboard a traditional rigged Brigantine tallship training vessel with Brigs, out of Hamilton Ontario.
Cadet participants are as follows:
Last Name Rank
Cheema LC
Brown LC
Gouder AC
Rivera MC
Martins CPO2
Dasai PO1
Anastacio PO2
Anastacio MC
Nolan PO1
Tangirala LC
Menon OC
Ward AC
Drop Off (Armoury): Sat 16 Sep at 0620 hrs (6:20 am)
Pick-Up (Armoury): Sun 17 Sep at 1800 hrs (6:00 pm)
1. Health Card is required (picture, copy or original)
2. Proper clothing & kit is required (See attached Kit List) * Note this is an overnight activity *
3. Review Parts of the Tallship and Tallship Commands (See Attached)
4. If you are not available to participate (due to unique circumstances) send an email immediately to [email protected]
5. Meals are provided.
6. Dress: NCD / STU (C5) with Swat Boots (Do not wear parade boots – otherwise closed toed running shoes)
RCSU Central Nautical Training – Annex F – Kit List Tall Ship Level 2