How to Register as a Sea Cadet
Step 1 – Complete Cadet Registration online at the following Government of Canada website:
- Email Address: Enter your personal email address
- Click “Start new application”. Provide cadet email address, phone number, other.
Step 2 – Cadet & Parent / Guardian to meet with Administration Officer
- Cadet and Parent / Guardian to meet with us during a Tuesday Regular Training Night
- Location: Peel Police Facility, 180 Derry Rd E
- Time: 6:45-9:30pm (1845-2130 hrs)
- Must bring:
- Health Card
- Proof of age (birth certificate, passport, citizenship card etc.)
- Review and complete a Cadet Code of Conduct
Step 3 – Welcome Aboard!
- Cadet will join the corps and meet other cadet youth participating in positive cadet training and social activities.
- Cadet will be provided with a uniform. Appointment will be scheduled for uniform measurement and issue.
For more information:
- Corps Website: RCSCC ILLUSTRIOUS – 139 Sea
- Corps Calendar: RCSCC ILLUSTRIOUS – Calendar
- Email the corps (general email): [email protected]
Annual Renewal
Annual renewal is required for all cadets returning for TY 2024-25. Please make arrangements to come in to complete your annual renewal.